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Privacy Policy

Compagnie Rostand is committed to protecting the privacy of its visitors and customers. We only collect information necessary to provide our services and improve our users' experience. The data we collect is never shared or sold to third parties. Our privacy policy is updated regularly to ensure the protection of our users' data. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Information we collect: We collect information that you provide to us when registering, purchasing tickets or subscribing to our newsletter. This may include your name, email address, telephone number or postal address.
How we collect information: We collect information ethically and transparently, using contact forms, cookies and tracking pixels.
Why we collect information: We collect information to provide our services, improve our users' experience, and provide them with information about our shows and events.
Who we share information with: We never share our users' information with third parties unless it is necessary to provide our services or required by law.
Where information is stored: Our users' information is stored securely on our servers.
How long we retain information: We retain our users' information for as long as necessary to provide our services and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
How We Protect Information: We take appropriate security measures to protect our users' information, including the use of encryption technologies and firewalls.
Changes or updates to the Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy is updated regularly to reflect changes to our services and applicable law. We will post any changes on our website and notify you by email if necessary.

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